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Current Projects

Project STAR (R01DK119244; PI: Ross, KM)

Project STAR logo


Project STAR is a 16-week lifestyle weight loss program followed by a 20-month smartphone-based support program designed to help maintain weight loss. As of October 2022, we have completed recruitment into the initial weight loss program and are no longer recruiting additional participants.


If you are a participant in Project STAR and have questions for the study team, contact us at 1-352-273-5235 or email us at


PHHP Research Innovation Fund

The Feedback Pilot Study is a 17-week virtual behavioral weight loss program, with a focus on self-monitoring dietary intake, physical activity, and weight. Each week, participants will receive feedback on their self-monitoring behavior, designed to improve progress toward intervention goals. As of August 2024, we have completed recruitment and are no longer recruiting additional participants.


Check this page for updates if you are interested in taking part in one of our weight management programs! New studies will be posted on this page as soon as we open recruitment.